Once repair and reuse hits its limit, textile recycling is a critical frontier to divert apparel and textile waste from landfill.

The future of fashion is recycled. Are you ready?



This is not and cannot be any one organization’s responsibility alone. Textile waste is a wicked problem - we need to come together to untangle this knot.

Here at the TLC, we envision a thriving circular apparel economy in Western Canada, where our industry moves from a take-make-waste linear economy to a global circular innovation hub.

We know that collaboration is an important part of the solution.



The Roadmap to Textile Recycling in Western Canada

The Textile Lab for Circularity is embarking on a project to map out solutions for textile recycling opportunities specifically to Western Canada (BC & Alberta).

In supporting the Roadmap,  you save your organization's precious time and money, by leveraging the convening power of the TLC.


The Roadmap is a detailed study navigating the complex ins and outs of making scalable textile recycling work for Western Canada.


Our industry is responsible for waste at every stage of the lifecycle. It is estimated that over 500,000 tonnes of textile waste head to landfill in Canada each year*, with 22,000 of that coming from Vancouver alone**.

*Fashion Takes Action **Unravelling the Problem of Apparel Waste in the Greater Vancouver Area


Scalable textile recycling is a key step towards a circular fashion economy in our region. 


Tired of the talk, ready for action?

Join our roadmap learning group

The Roadmap Learning Group is for textile brands, manufacturers, policy makers, waste handlers and processors, resellers, and NGOs who want increased solutions for textile recycling without solely dedicating their own time and resources to solving this complex, multidimensional problem.


Who’s Already signed up


Be at the forefront of groundbreaking research that will move the industry forward

Together in four peer to peer collaborative sessions from 2022-2023 we will:

Identify barriers to textile recycling in Western Canada

Identify any specific needs and opportunities unique to Western Canada & textile recycling 

Identify key players needed for infrastructure increase

Identify most viable technologies best suited to Western Canada textile recycling needs

Identify policies & partnerships to support recycling infrastructure development in Western Canada 

Publish Roadmap findings publicly & open sourced

Convene workshop & webinar to engage industry on next steps


Align your brand with leading edge recycling innovation to position yourself as a thought leader and investor in the circular economy.

Our team of sustainability experts and facilitators are perfectly positioned to guide the industry through this crucial research phase. 


But don’t just take our word for it


Our previous research project partners


The TLC’s work would not be possible without the support of our Past & present Sponsors & funders