social innovation

Building Capacity and Taking Action - Our New Programs

Building Capacity and Taking Action - Our New Programs

We’ve been listening to your feedback! As outlined in our previous post, we’ve refined our approach based on feedback we have received from our trusted industry network. We are in a unique position, building off of the results of the 2019 textile collaborative, which defined clear strategic leverage points. We are excited to announce our new programming, designed to address key pain points of the industry, while taking tangible action on our leverage points.

Building Capacity for Collaboration

Building Capacity for Collaboration

Through our outreach efforts with local industry, we’ve identified a common thread: organizations want to take action on social and environmental issues, but aren’t sure how it fits into their business model. While pitching the original 2-year Lab, we heard folks asking for more individualized support embedding circular principles into their organizations. We see this as an important opportunity to build the capacity of the regional industry, and a key first step in fostering meaningful collaboration in the future.

What is a Social Innovation Lab?

What is a Social Innovation Lab?

Social labs are a leading edge method of stakeholder engagement, where “unlikely allies” are recruited and brought together in a space primed for collaboration. Through a series of facilitated workshops, the group will develop a comprehensive map of the social issue in question, and identify “leverage points” from which they can take action. Social labs are emergent in nature, and allow participants to pivot with the latest information rather than being tied to outdated plans developed in the past. Once the situation is adequately mapped, the group can then begin the iterative process of prototyping solutions.